Friday, June 04, 2010

Comforting Words

"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.

John 14:1 (ESV)

As Jesus approached the end of His earthly ministry, He began to focus more on preparing His disciples for their continuing ministry. They were beginning to sense impending doom as Jesus had warned them in John 13 of His betrayal and Peter's denial. Here in John 14, He gets them to focus. He doesn't want them to be troubled or agitated or restless (ταράσσω). He tells them to believe (πιστεύω) in God and believe in Him. They need to be confident in Him, to trust in Him, to have saving faith in Him. Instead of being troubled they can be confident in Him. He goes on to reassure them that He is the way to the Father and that the Holy Spirit will come to them. He reassures them of who He is, who God is, and who the Holy Spirit is. They need not be restless, they can trust in Him. In the midst of the busy-ness of my life, I too should not be troubled. I can trust in Him. So be it!

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