Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Oh Yes, God Speaks!

Then the LORD answered Job out of the storm. He said:

Job 38:1 (NIV)

God is finally answering Job and it's not in a still, small voice. God is answering Job out of a storm - a tempest, a whirlwind. It wasn't just a little summer storm. The Weather Channel was probably there covering the story. The National Weather Service had probably issued a severe thunderstorm warning and perhaps even a tornado watch. And God was speaking through it. Do you suppose God had Job's attention? I know with a storm like this, I'd be heading for cover. God's voice speaking through it would probably stop me in my tracks. In verse 3 God tells Job to "Brace yourself like a man." In other words hold on tight. If I'm in Job's shoes, God has my complete attention. Now, I have never heard God speak through a storm like Job did here, but I read His word every day. He speaks to me daily. Do I brace for His word like He tells Job to brace himself? I should. His word is powerful. Forget thunderstorms, there should be a divine storm warning every time I open my Bible. Brace yourself. God is speaking!

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