Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Five songs with great guitar solos

Today's list is "Five Songs with great guitar solos." I lost the original text and am reposting largely from memory. In no particular order...

  1. Janet Jackson - "Black Cat"
    Michael had Eddie Van Halen; Janet had Nuno Bettencort. Advantage: Janet.
  2. Journey - "Any Way You Want It"
    This came over the iPod the other day and I just HAD to play air guitar. Unfortunately, when the song started, I was driving. Fortunately, when the solo came around, I was stopped at a red light!
  3. Lincoln Brewster - "Today Is The Day"
    Who says a worship song can't have a fun guitar solo? Not me!
  4. REO Speedwagon - "Roll With The Changes"
    An old favorite air guitar song of mine. In my high school youth group, we had an entire air band "AiREO Speedwagon."
  5. Steely Dan - "My Old School"
    My favorite Steely Dan song for the guitar solo alone. The rest of it is good too, but the guitar solo: awesome!

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