Thursday, March 04, 2010

Five instruments I've played in church

Today's five list is a little bit different. I've been actively involved in leading worship, whether it be in my college Campus Crusade group, a church youth group, or in a church worship band, for the better part of the last 27 years. I'm listing them probably in decreasing order of how many times I've played them, but it's really just a guess since I haven't been keeping track!

  1. Acoustic guitar - I've played both six and twelve string in college, with a church youth group, and with church worship bands, on retreats, and during home groups
  2. bass - in church worship bands, youth worship bands, and maybe even once in college
  3. electric guitar - in church worship bands and youth worship bands
  4. banjo - for one song in a church worship band. I think it was one of the songs from Jars Of Clay's Redemption Songs
  5. mandolin - for one song in a church worship band. I think it was "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" inspired by Mark Heard's arrangement.

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