In no particular order...
10. Being in Richmond with my wife while the kids were in Annapolis with my parents.
9. Quiet meals alone with my wife that we didn't have to cook.
8. Listening to "Bad Voddie"
7. Seeing friends old and new.
6. Seeing the hardcore shoppers working up a sweat in the Exhibit Hall.
5. Remembering that Home Education is discipleship.
4. Dining at Penny Lane Pub.
3. "If you can't say 'Amen' at least say 'Ouch'"
2. Did I mention being in Richmond with my wife while the kids were in Annapolis with my parents?
1. Loving my kids even more when it was all over.
9. Quiet meals alone with my wife that we didn't have to cook.
8. Listening to "Bad Voddie"
7. Seeing friends old and new.
6. Seeing the hardcore shoppers working up a sweat in the Exhibit Hall.
5. Remembering that Home Education is discipleship.
4. Dining at Penny Lane Pub.
3. "If you can't say 'Amen' at least say 'Ouch'"
2. Did I mention being in Richmond with my wife while the kids were in Annapolis with my parents?
1. Loving my kids even more when it was all over.
About "working up a sweat".....please remember I'm in a different age category than your wife!!! Hot flashes and all that, not hard core shopping, LOL! I guess I'll leave this anonymously.
LOL! Note that I did use plural here... Hot flashes while shopping: definitely hard core if you ask me. Anybody who could be in that room for more than an hour: hard core!
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